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Version: 2.0.0-rc.2 🚧

I18n lifecycles

Plugins use these lifecycles to load i18n-related data.


Plugins declare the JSON translation files they want to use.

Returns translation files {path: string, content: ChromeI18nJSON}:

  • path: relative to the plugin localized folder i18n/[locale]/[pluginName]. Extension .json should be omitted to remain generic.
  • content: using the Chrome i18n JSON format.

These files will be written by the write-translations CLI to the plugin i18n subfolder, and will be read in the appropriate locale before calling translateContent() and translateThemeConfig()


module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'my-plugin',
async getTranslationFiles({content}) {
return [
path: 'sidebar-labels',
content: {
someSidebarLabel: {
message: 'Some Sidebar Label',
description: 'A label used in my plugin in the sidebar',
someLabelFromContent: content.myLabel,


Translate the plugin content, using the localized translation files.

Returns the localized plugin content.

The contentLoaded() lifecycle will be called with the localized plugin content returned by translateContent().


module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'my-plugin',
translateContent({content, translationFiles}) {
const myTranslationFile = translationFiles.find(
(f) => f.path === 'myTranslationFile',
return {
someContentLabel: myTranslationFile.someContentLabel.message,


Translate the site themeConfig labels, using the localized translation files.

Returns the localized themeConfig.


module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'my-theme',
translateThemeConfig({themeConfig, translationFiles}) {
const myTranslationFile = translationFiles.find(
(f) => f.path === 'myTranslationFile',
return {
someThemeConfigLabel: myTranslationFile.someThemeConfigLabel.message,

async getDefaultCodeTranslationMessages()

Themes using the <Translate> API can provide default code translation messages.

It should return messages in Record<string, string>, where keys are translation IDs and values are messages (without the description) localized using the site's current locale.


module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: 'my-theme',
async getDefaultCodeTranslationMessages() {
return readJsonFile(`${context.i18n.currentLocale}.json`);